Whole school

Reflection Questions for the end of the day
50 reflection questions / prompts for the end of the school day.
50 questions displayed on your choice of cards or strips.
Provided in black/white and colour.
UK and US spelling (only affected one word – favourite/favorite)
2 cards displayed on each page.
16 strips displayed on each page.
♦ 50 questions on cards - colour
♦ 50 questions on card – black and white
♦ 50 questions on strips - colour
♦ 50 questions on strips – black and white
♦ Additional cards/strips for US spelling
A variety of thought-provoking questions that encourage students to reflect on their day at school. Suitable for all age groups.
♦ What are some ways that you could share your learning with your family and friends?
♦ If your teacher asked you to hand out a certificate today, who would you give it to? What would you write on it?
♦ What could you do tomorrow that might improve someone else’s day at school?
♦ What did you find challenging today? What did you do to manage the challenge?
♦ List 10 things about school that you appreciate.
♦ Did any activities today help you to understand things better than other activities you’ve tried?
♦ If you could have this day again, what would you do differently? What would you do the same?
♦ What school values did you show today? Give examples.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Classroom Play Money
Classroom Cash / Classroom Money
Black and white templates for 3 sets of classroom currency.
3 different sets:
♦ ‘interesting’ portraits
♦ historical portraits
♦ boy/girl portraits
Suitable for a range of classroom levels.
Ink-friendly – 4 to a page and in black/white. Copy onto coloured paper if you wish.
Keywords: Classroom dash, Scholar dollars, Classroom currency, classroom money, play money, behaviour management, classroom economy, behaviour bucks,
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Classroom Assistant Tags
All students love to feel special and important and this is one way that you can help with this! These tags are designed to be worn around the student's neck. Simply print, laminate and use some cord to make a 'necklace' or place on a lanyard.
Tags are:
* Teacher's Helper
* Teacher's Assistant
* Writing Assistant
* Reading Assistant
* Spelling Assistant
* Math Assistant
* Sports Assistant
* Science Assistant
* Technology Assistant
* Computer Assistant
* Dance Assistant
* Music Assistant
* Art Assistant
* Drama Assistant
The 'Teacher's Helper' and 'Teacher's Assistant' tags are on circles and the others are on rectangles.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Classroom Lesson Break Game - 4 corners
Signs to use in the '4 corners' game. A great game to play when students need a break and need to 'move n groove'!
How to play ...
Pin the signs on the wall in the 4 corners of the room. Students dance while music is played. When music stops, children must go and stand in one corner. A card is pulled from a deck. The card is called out and all children standing in that corner (ie hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs) are out and need to sit down. Continue playing until 1 student remains.
When down to 4 children, make sure 1 child is in each corner. Less than 4 children, you can play 'ends' or 'colours'.
Have fun. Enjoy this freebie.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Apology Wall Chart - how to make an apology
An A4 coloured chart that prompts students to go through the 5 steps to make an effective apology.
I am sorry for ...
It was wrong because ...
The classroom rule that I broke was ...
To make sure it doesn't happen again, I will ...
Please accept my apology.
Put this on your classroom wall and direct students to it when necessary. No longer will you have to stand there and prompt them to say more than a simple "sorry". Get them thinking about why it was wrong and how to prevent it from happening again in the future.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Christmas Gift Tags – Black and White Templates
20 different gift tags for your students to colour and write on.
♦ 20 black and white templates
♦ 20 black and white templates – without the words to and from
♦ blank template (students design their own)
4 tags per A4 page.
A variety of both horizontal and vertical orientation.
A fun and useful activity for your students during the festive season.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Classroom Rights and Responsibilities – Back to School
An effective activity for your students when you are setting up your classroom culture at the beginning of the year. Something a little different to the standard ‘classroom rules’ discussions.
The activity focuses on 4 RIGHTS that your students have at school:
♦ We have the right to learn at school.
♦ We have the right to use school property.
♦ We have the right to be safe at school (physical wellbeing).
♦ We have the right to feel happy at school (emotional wellbeing).
Students brainstorm their responsibilities as a class and write them in the individual honeycomb cell templates. These cells are then cut out and arranged around the ‘rights’ templates. You can add as many honeycomb cells as you wish. Blank cells can be included to fill sections if necessary.
This makes an effective wall display that can be referred to (and added to) throughout the year.
Examples of responsibilities:
♦ We have the right to learn at school – ask for help when I need it.
♦ We have the right to use school property - put equipment away when I have finished with it.
♦ We have the right to be safe at school – don’t throw things in the classroom.
♦ We have the right to feel happy at school - share things with others.
Lists of examples are included to help you guide your students through the discussion / brainstorm sessions.
With your students thinking of the responsibilities and writing them in kid speak, they will take more ownership of the classroom culture than if you just display a list of ‘classroom rules’ on the wall.
An optional activity is also included. It is another template that says ‘We agree to be responsible’. Your students sign their name in a honeycomb cell, cut it out and place it around the centre template.
♦ Teacher notes and layout examples.
♦ Examples of responsibilities
♦ Student brainstorm pages
♦ 4 ‘rights’ templates (1 per page, colour)
♦ Honeycomb cell templates (6 per page, black/white)
♦ Definition strips of ‘rights’ and ‘responsibilities’ (blank ones also provided so you can write your own meanings of the words).
♦ Additional optional template – ‘We agree to be responsible’
I have also included an editable honeycomb cell template (Powerpoint file). This gives you the option of typing the 'responsibilities' rather than writing them by hand.
Provided in 2 different paper sizes:
♦ A4 paper size
♦ Letter paper size
Keywords: rules, rights, responsibilities, charter, treaty, expectations, procedures, behaviour management, classroom culture, beginning of the year, back to school.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Editable Labels – Bee Theme
A set of cute editable labels for your classroom, all with a bee theme.
Editable – simply click where it says ‘edit’ to change the text. You can also change the font, font size, font colour and location of the text box.
There are 5 different types of labels (all shown on cover page above).
♦ Bee pointing at blackboard (2 labels per page)
♦ Bee hovering over sign (6 labels per page)
♦ Bee holding sign on stick (6 labels per page)
♦ Bees holding sign between them (3 labels per page)
♦ Bee holding long sign (5 labels per page)
Designed on A4 size paper.
This is a powerpoint file.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Award Certificates – Bee Theme
A set of gorgeous award certificates for your students, all with a bee theme.
Write the students name and a little message in the white space at the bottom of the certificate.
There are two sets of certificates included in this resource. The sets have the same pictures but different wording.
Set 1:
Busy Bee Award
Reading Award
Writing Award
Attitude Award
Kindness Award
Effort Award
Helpfulness Award
Learning Award
Set 2:
Bee-utiful Worker
Bee-utiful Reading
Bee-utiful Writing
Bee-utiful Attitude
Bee-utiful Kindness
Bee-utiful Effort
Bee-utiful Helping
Bee-utiful Learning
Designed on A4 size paper.
Two certificates per page.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Matariki – Reflection and Goal Setting Foldable
Celebrate the Māori New Year with this fun foldable.
Matariki is a time to reflect on the year that has passed, and to set new goals for the year ahead.
Colour the star and the background. Write in the middle piece. Cut around the outside and make 4 folds.
There are 6 different options for the reflection / goal setting piece in the middle. The wording is listed below:
Option 1:
When I think about the last year, I feel proud because …
A goal I have for the coming year is ...
Option 2:
A goal I have for the coming year is ...
Something I can do to help me achieve this is ...
Option 3:
Three goals I have for the coming year are ...
Option 4:
This is a picture of my goal.
Option 5:
Words that describe the year that has just passed:
Option 6:
The best thing about the year that has just passed was:
Approximately 12 cm in diameter when folded.
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources